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Red Hair Girl

1000 Faceless Eyes Stare Up

Wellington 2014

Pegi Amundsen-Marshall

Open on both sides, this container work
frames a postcard view of Te Papa on one side, and Chaffers Marina on the other. In the centre of this an LCD screen provides live video of exactly the same scene, creating an ironic and interactive image within an image of Wellington Waterfront.

Pegi is an assistant professor at Wayne State University in Detroit and freelance designer of scenic designer for theatre. She has lived, studied and worked throughout the world, including Norway, France, Bosnia Herzegovia, Germany, and Egypt. She seeks creative projects that are collaborative in nature, cross-discipline and involve a multi-media approaches. Pegi was first exposed to video transmission when she worked for the United State’s Department of Defense as a satellite video classroom monitor, where she was responsible for connecting the student soldiers in Sharm el Sheikh Eqypt to the professor in Chicago Illinois USA.

International Programme Sponsor Bolton Hotel

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