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Red Hair Girl

Eat Your Enemy #4 I Don't Want To Want (Extended Version)

Wellington 2017

Janine Eisenaecher

In her lecture and sound performance Eat Your Enemy #4 I don't want to want, Janine Eisenaecher reflects upon the artist's job, and through different forms of writing questions and actualises her own relation to her work and to the art field. Here, she appropriates John Cage's lecture “Composition as Process“ (1958) by writing herself and her own process - her experiences, thoughts, and feelings about being a white, feminist performance artist nowadays – into his text in order to discuss the working conditions and, more specifically, the invisible work of artists. In Part 2 of this work, Eisenaecher will rewrite parts or aspects of her lecture, including the experiences she makes on-site in The Performance Arcade, transforming these texts into other media and performing with them in diverse ways. Through the combination of text, objects, sound, voice, and video works she creates an active, changing, and dialogic thinking and writing space.

Holding an M.A. degree in Theatre Studies, Janine Eisenaecher lives and works in Berlin as a freelance performance artist, curator, and writer. In her solo and group performances she works with text, objects, sound, voice, and video, and deals with the subjects of work, identity, gender, and (post-)colonialism. Herein, Eisenaecher investigates strategies of subversion, transformation, and (self-)empowerment. She was a founder member of the performance collectives Berlin n@work, (e)at_work, and Eisenaecher/Harder CLAIMS, a co-curator of Performer Stammtisch and Platform Young Performance Artists, and is part of the collective institution-critical practice Inverse Institution. Eisenaecher has presented her work at various events and festivals across Europe and Canada.

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Presented by Goethe Institut

Supported by the Public Art Fund, Wellington City Council

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