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Red Hair Girl


Wellington 2020


There is a screen. There is a writer. Words appear. When we write our thoughts are filtered through the medium of written language. filter//free gives us the chance to observe and be closer to someone's inner world, unmediated by our perceptions and judgements of their appearance and demographic. We become intimate with the writer's thought processes and mannerisms - the way they hesitate on the keyboard before certain words, their tendency to backspace, the subjects that their minds circle to again and again. What is usually private is made public, and what is usually public is hidden as the writers remain anonymous behind a screen. Constantly changing and dynamic, filter//free presents creation in action. The artist curates a selection a live free-writing space where guest writers are invited to inhabit the container with their thoughts and words for two hours at a time. When we write, our thoughts are filtered through the medium of written language. filter//free gives us the chance to observe and be closer to someone's inner world. With the words crawling across an empty screen, audiences will follow the journey that thoughts make to become words on a page. Writing will be experienced as a live, performed action and written words will take on the character of gesture, oration, and dance.

Stella St. Lune is a poet with a love for the macabre, surreal and beautifully grotesque. She is best known for her spoken word and has a particular fondness for phonetics, though she also enjoys the challenge of trapping words in text and leaving their sounds to the whim of the reader’s imagination. She uses stream of consciousness writing to ambush her own mind and acquaint herself with the strange little creatures that play beyond the grasp of day to day awareness. She looks forward to discovering them with you.

Mary Barnett hails from the southern icy shores of Dunedin and is currently in the last stages of completing a Masters of Information Studies while working in the libraries in Wellington’s northern suburbs. You can find Mary tangled up in some kind of yarn-based project, staring longingly at other people’s pets, reading, or somewhere surrounded by a group of Scouts.

Zoe Higgins is a writer from Horomaka Banks Peninsula, currently living in Pōneke. Her work has been published in Starling, Sport, Mayhem, and Aotearotica, and featured in festivals including Litcrawl and the New Zealand Young Writers' Festival.

Louise Lin is just some kid, born in Taiwan, raised in Ōtepoti, now living in Whanganui-a-tara. She looks after old ladies for a job, and is actually very scared of writing.

Writers: Louise Lin, Mary Barnett. Stella St. Lune, & Zoe Higgins

Supported by Wellington City Council Public Art Fund

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