Wellington 2021
Julieanna Preston
HARK is a series of monologues that muse on home, place, immigration, belonging, and ancestry performed over seven evenings, each at a unique location. It is a performance that wonders about being a Pākeha in Aotearoa, here and now, and what that means when home, land and identity are not one, but many. The artist will read letters to her great-grandmother in an effort to meet, greet and call upon their shared stories of moving home and country, her breath riding air currents that travel over landscapes and oceans to connect.
Schedule: 8-9pm each evening
M 22 Feb/ 14a St Mary’s Street, Thorndon, Wellington
T 23 Feb/ 3 Lipman Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
W 24 Feb/ 5 Tutchen Avenue, Mt Victoria, Wellington
TH 25 Feb/ 56 Motuhara Road, Plimmerton
F 26 Feb/ 106 Pirie Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington
SAT 27 Feb/ 9 Konini Road, Hataitai
SUN 28 Feb/10 Kāpiti Lane, Otaki Beach
The performance will carry on even in inclement weather. Be aware that not all locations have plentiful parking; walking adviseable. If you miss a night or wish to follow from afar, the morning following each evening performance, a recording will be posted on the PA blog page: https://www.theperformancearcade.com/blog
Thank you to research assistants Fraser Walker, Ilish Thomas, Mia Morris, Lily Joyce, Elton Irvine and Caroline Hollow. Special acknowledgement to my uncle John Thelin for sharing his knowledge about Croatia and Stancia Komerac.
College of Creative Arts, Massey University